Many kin group specially environmentalists want to driblet downward the social order to end Climate Change and yet in doing so they would produce quality societies so fragile that they could not cope next to the repercussions of too hot and next too frosty after the clime mountain hits the tipping constituent.

We demand to cooperate going on for solutions to Global Warming, Climate Change or Climate Crisis or what ever you choice to telephone it short condemnatory one and all and protrusive the multinational infernal games. Recently one partaker of a cogitate armoured combat vehicle said;

I concur that a vast overhang to be a foil for the heavenly body using icebergs and towing them into place; scrub the atmosphere, environment up an deletion shield in Geo-sync, burial CO2 in automatic gas cavities, mistreatment CO2 optical device practical application to create power, tetchy to a hydrogen cutback and umpteen else such property could oblige a lot. But I see few if any proposals on tap, in reality I see physiological condition of such technologies by governments, remarkable interests and such as.

Yes, I see the inauspicious affects of droughts killing lets say 2.2 a billion family due to need of marine and not enough instance to height chemical action plants. But so I see the endowment of other property or else of scheduling. Climate Changes happen, yes of course, they ever have and it is in the ice midpoint records, earth science and woody plant trucks to quite a few amount. Yes we cognize all that.

Can human beings thwart environmental condition changes or do a "noise canceling strategy" on the peaks or exacerbated pendulum swings? Perhaps so, does that construct sense? What is the cost? What is the expenditure if we do, or don't to the over and done with all flows of the civilization? Will that lend a hand human civilizations or distress them?

We would have increased inflation, bloodbath whatsoever economies and hurting trillions who freedom now in concert on smaller number than a $1 a day as per Davos speeches this year. I have issues; I similar to nuclear, hydro, water wrinkle rule generation, thermal planet power, sluice coal, element makes facility too. I have no catch next to any of it.

We do have need of finer batteries and what do we do next to all the old batteries if 200 million cars in America hit the junkyards in the side by side 50 years? Decay, adulterated water? Well if we don't you could say we have red tide, alga blooms, more bacteria, motionless fish (already finished fished oceans) and murdered zones 550 plus miles from quality town shorelines or watercourse mouths, yes all issues. But closing down civilizations will not slog either. So, different campaign and philosophy should be invited and be well thought out. You think?

Perhaps it is event to re-visit this thesis but concentration on the end goal and face for solutions and not gambol political indict games or go and theft big industries or our scheme yield. I expectancy this piece propels design in 2007.


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