Collage making is a powerful art form that can bring out the beast or beautify the ugly. There are many emotional feelings that can be released and revealed with a collage.
If you are planning to teach collage making to people in pain consider a personal assessment of your attitudes before you instruct and provide critiques for special interest groups.
Recently, a collage workshop for mothers in pain because of special health issues in their family included a challenging collage making theme. Each person was asked to create a collage that reflected a personal dream. Each participant was asked to share their collages and the dream attached.
It was an emotional outpouring that resulted in affirmations, support and encouragement from the instructor and other participants.
Some of the work included bold uses of colors and wild arrangements. Yet, the instructor was careful and sensitive to provide the correct techniques without discouraging any of the moms.
One of the moms refused, initially, to explain her collage which contained images of a new kitchen and appliances. After patient encouragement by the instructor she finally shared her dream. Yet she did not want to take the collage home.
Staff personnel observing the session took the time later to provide the counseling and further support needed.
She later had her dream fulfilled and was given a makeover for her kitchen and bedroom.
There are a few questions you could ask yourself before you start. The answers encourage you to reflect and determine if you have the kind of attitude that will help you facilitate an insightful, inspirational and interactive collage.
__An open mind$%:
__A sense of humor$%:
__A fun loving and playful mindset$%:
__A hard working mindset$%:
__A spiritual awareness$%:
__An environmental awareness$%:
__An adventuresome attitude$%:
__A patient attitude$%:
__A childlike approach to learning$%:
__A non-judgmental attitude$%:
__A creative mindset$%:
__An original approach$%:
__An energetic attitude$%:
__A risk-taking attitude$%:
__A flexible and open to change attitude$%:
__An artistic awareness$%:
Each item does not have to be explored here. But a further discussion will take place in a future article. The main point is that collage making is not just a mindless craft activity. It should inspire creativity and promote challenges.
The bottom line is to go beyond the technique to the transformational!