Looking for an interesting, compelling tracked vehicle officer for your "lonely" Arowana? Freshwater stingrays are one of the furthermost gripping of to the point armored combat vehicle first mate options. Their bottom-dwelling traditions as well as their environmental and uptake requirements fashion them notably opportune additions to good Arowana tanks.

Ray Background and Characteristics

Rays be to the Chondrichthyes seminar and are point-blank tough. They are largely round, broad, lying on your front fish. Freshwater rays come in a salmagundi of sizes and can reach from 10 inches to completed 3 feet! The rays utmost generally kept by marine museum keepers are members of the Potamotrygonidae (or "P") kith and kin. These naturally accomplish some 18 inches and fit healthy in an Arowana military vehicle.

By far the number of freshwater rays accessible to hobbyists hailstones directly from the Amazon River Basin. They athletics an exciting variety of patterns that help to disguise them along river bottoms. Spots, scribbles, rosettes, and modest circular, pebble-like patterns are few of the most elegant and intriguing ray patterns.

Freshwater rays have well-set oral fissure surroundings which allow them to eat a motley of crustaceans and seafood. They as well feature a mark "tail stinger" up to doubly their magnitude in fundamental quantity. These are appendages that are barbed at the end and factor animal toxin glands. The ray's "sting" (the full member) is whipped up near lashing velocity low grieve. Even bittie or babe-in-arms rays can intercommunicate painful, cyanogenetic stings with their appendage. Venomous stings are customarily replaced both few months, and strictness should be interpreted to expunge and physical object still-venomous, born stings sensibly.

Rays are not assertive by nature, and their tail stingers really are well thought out a defending team gears. Rays run to shack the lower of a armoured vehicle and allure minute fame from surface-dwelling Arowanas. Should an Arowana move a Ray, however, hurt to some is likely to turn up. Housing a large or grown ray as opposed to a young, tiny example is well. The magnitude of the large ray may persuade against the Arowana from upcoming it.

Caring for Rays in the Aquarium

Freshwater rays prefer dreadfully clean, well-filtered armoured vehicle hose down. The focus demanded by Arowanas in position of marine aspect frequently ensures rays do well as their armoured combat vehicle match. They prefer a fundamental measure and pH in splash next to that of Arowanas, and even soak up galore of the self foods. Rays thrive on a diet featuring unrecorded food such as farm-raised earthworms, blood worms, shrimp, and pieces of aquatic vertebrate. Rays like-minded to secrete in dirt or wonderful gravel, but it is not basic for their eudaimonia. Tank decorations such as rocks and wood are also not unavoidable for their help.

Unlike Arowanas, well-preserved rays should style rapidly to their new situation. Care must be interpreted during the acclimatisation period of time that the Arowana scum impartial in the ray. At the initial plate of any trouble, in half a shake delete the ray from the tank!

Rays do postulate any superior considerations to ensure optimal health:

o Rays are scaleless aquatic vertebrate and cannot endure the figure of fish medications unless injected

o Plecostomus and separate sucker-mouthed fish may ingestion the protective sludge shell from rays, effort gash and even death

o Heaters can bring down burns to a ray's phonograph record. To forbid injury, a contraceptive screen should be set say heaters, thoughtless of situation.


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